Helping you claim back tax
efficiently, legitimately & professionally
The Singapore Government’s IRAS tax deduction scheme has been instituted to encourage companies to grow their R&D capabilities aimed at innovation. Innovative companies undertaking Research and Development (R&D) activities may be eligible to claim an IRAS tax deduction or cash refund of up to 250%.
What is R&D Tax relief?
Companies often do not understand that they are carrying out R&D activities with the potential to claim tax deductions against eligible expenses for these activities.

Can you claim?
A company from any sector or vertical may qualify.
What we do
We support clients internationally with their R&D efforts to ensure they receive the corporate tax benefits they are entitled to for their R&D activities.

Find out if you qualify and how we can help you claim

Identifying R&D opportunities and inventive, innovative activities that result in patents, intellectual property rights or licences.
Terms & Conditions
Copyright © R&D Tax Credit Pte. Ltd (RD-TCC)
Company UEN 202202416E
Website by The Marketing People