What type of companies qualify?
A company from any sector may qualify for R&D Tax deductions or cash refund. Your company does not have to be a technological company to qualify. R&D need not happen in the laboratory.
How do I know if my company qualifies?
Your company may qualify for tax deductions if your company…

Is a Singapore limited company

Has been trading for more than one financial period

Has been doing original research, undertaking product development, manufacturing improvements or some projects with technical risk

Has been bearing the financial burden of carrying out R&D activities within or outside Singapore

Owns or able to commercially exploit the intellectual property resulting from the R&D
What are some examples of qualifying r&d activities?

A new way of sanitising professional workspaces

An innovative speed bump to slow vehicle speed

New technology that separates dairy effluent stream into liquids and solids

New LED technology leading to smarter roads

Semiconductor technology development that improves the brightness and lifetime of display panels

Software technology innovation to optimise passenger baggage handling
Find out if you qualify and how we can help you claim

Identifying R&D opportunities and inventive, innovative activities that result in patents, intellectual property rights or licences.
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Company UEN 202202416E
Website by The Marketing People